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AVR & Arduino Notes

Created: Feb, 2014

Last modified: Oct, 2015

AVR characteristics

  • Max voltage, current and CPU frequency:

AVR CPU freq 1

AVR CPU freq 2

AVR registers

  • IO stuff: DDRx sets the direction, 0 for input and 1 for output for each bit; PORTx sets the output of each pin, 0 for low and 1 for high for each bit; PINx reads the digital input, 0 for low and 1 for high for each bit. Example:
DDRB = (1<<DDB0)|(1<<DDB4)|(1<<DDB5)|(1<<DDB7);
PORTD = (1 << PD0)|(1 << PD3)|(1 << PD6);
if (PINC == 0x01) {...};  // input is usually used in condition statement

Arduino General

Make Arduino low power

Some posts below may help:

How to program Arduino Pro Mini from Arduino IDE

  • Connect VCC(VBUS), GND, TX and RX pins to another USB to serial converter (such as CH340) correctly.
  • Open IDE, “Tools” –> “Board” –> choose “Arduino Pro or Pro mini”, and “Tools” –> “Processor” –> choose “Atmega328, 3.3V, 8MHz”.
  • When ready to upload code, kee pressing the reset button on Arduino pro mini, and then click “upload” in IDE. Release the button until “uploading” shows up in the IDE.
  • One can use Arduino IDE to write AVR C code directly (don’t need to be restricted to setup() and loop() Arduino style functions).
  • Haven’t been successful in downloading code to AVR using Arduino ISP approach. Use USB-serial adapter to do that for now.
  • The AVR libraries headers can be found at “C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\avr\include”.


  • Problem: Arduino IDE cannot connect to serial “/dev/ttyACM0” (Arduino Uno)

Solution: After trying various things, it works after I changes the connection from a USB 2 to USB 3 port.

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