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LeetCode - Max Points on A Line

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Problem description is here, or as follows:

Given n points on a 2D plane, find the maximum 
number of points that lie on the same straight line.

A brute-force way is iterate over all possibile combinations which results in O(N^3) running time and O(1) space.

Solution here is more computationally efficient using hash tables. The idea is to calculate slopes of all other points w.r.t. a point. If the slopes equals, they are on the same line. A hash table is used to stat the points falling on the same line in an iteration (key is slope; value is # of pairs with the same slope). And then we iterate over the rest, excluding the points already been iterated. This solution results in O(N^2) running time and O(N) space (for hash table).

The subtlety needs handling here is when there are duplicated points in the set. See the code on how to handle that.

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