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LeetCode - Reverse Integer

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Problem description is here, or as follows:

Reverse digits of an integer.

Example1: x = 123, return 321
Example2: x = -123, return -321 

The idea is to think the input and output as two pipelines, where input pipeline is left-in-right-out, and output pipeline is right-in-left-out. In each iteration, pull a digit out from the right of the input, and feed it in from the right of the output. Shift the input and output both by a digit. In C++ or Java, there is another potential problem of the int type overflow if the number is too large or too small, while it is there for Python. So in Solution 1, I actually have to fake the 32-bit int type overflow in order to pass the LeetCode OJ engine.

Solution 2 is similar, but cleaner.

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